A New Approach to B2B Social Media Influence | Réseaux et médias sociaux, veille, technique et outils | Scoop.it

How do you measure your Business Social Media Influence ? Twitter followers, engagement levels or retweets? Recently the ABC USA reported on updates to the popular tool, Klout Perhaps you, like some US employers use Klout to measure an individuals Social Media influence? However, unless you are selling toothpaste or halter tops, Britney Spears Klout score (as a no 1 influencer) will be completely irrelevant to your business.


Some great platforms have emerged to measure your social media influence in terms of reach, engagement and effectiveness. However tools like Klout do not measure social media Influence across a specific target market segment. And unless you have deliberately created your social media network to include influencers in your "business segment", your ability to create influence in this segment will not be measureable by the current tools available.


Other tools like Radian6 Reports get closer but do not go all the way to measuring real influence in "your target market". Radian6 do identify brand conversations, consumer sentiment and purport to: " identify whom in your industry is most likely to have influence on your brand".


Lets look at the definition of "business influence" - business Influence is not equivalent to social media reach, numbers of followers and not even engagement. Business Influence across social media must be specific to the business target market segment(s) and suspects, prospects and customers. It is something far more pervasive than transactional and quantitative measures across now a "mass spectre".


In a business sense influence is about issues such as influencing customers and prospects in your "target market" to consider using, reusing, trialling your products and services. More than 70 firms globally have developed their own proprietary methodologies for targetting and influencing business influencers. But for most businesses there is a big gap between their social media activity and their social media influence in a targetted business community.


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