Adobe announces Open Source Media Framework 2.0 | Media, Business & Tech |

Adobe has announced the launch of version 2.0 of its Open Source Media Framework(OSMF), an open software framework for building media players and applications, based on the company's closed source Flash platform. Kelash Kumar, Adobe Video Solutions Group Product Manager, says that the new version of OSMF includes a number of improvements aimed at helping developers "create even more engaging experiences" and notes that the developers have "reworked the inner workings of OSMF".


OSMF 2.0 includes changes to the Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR) algorithm and APIs that improve overall performance, and updates the default Switch Manager, which determines when a bit rate change should be made and to what quality. Doneness support in version 2.0 means that the framework can now distinguish between HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) content streams shutting down due to server-side problems and shutting down because an event stream has completed.

Via Nicolas Weil