Which Wearables Do Consumers Plan to Buy? - eMarketer | Internet of Things & Wearable Technology Insights | Scoop.it

Many consumers plan to purchase a health or fitness device in the next 12 months, according to a 2015 survey. Smart watches and fitness trackers are among the wearables they plan to buy.

The Consumer Technology Association (CTA), formerly the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), surveyed 1,001 US internet users. Almost three-quarters of respondents said they plan to purchase a health or fitness tracker within the next year.

More than one-third of that group said they plan to buy a smart watch and 30% said they intend to purchase fitness apps in the next 12 months. Some 27% of health and fitness device buyers said they expect to buy wearable fitness devices, and the same percentage said they plan to purchase smart apparel. Sleep trackers were also on the list; 23% of respondents said they intended to buy one....