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The changing SERP: Understanding and adapting to dynamic search results - Search Engine Land

The changing SERP: Understanding and adapting to dynamic search results - Search Engine Land | The MarTech Digest |
Consumers now expect to see rich content in SERPs that includes not just standard text listings, but video, images, local map results, featured snippets and more. The standard organic listings themselves also sometimes feature rich snippets, which enhance the listing by presenting information in a way that is easy to scan and often visually appealing.

Paid search ads have changed as well — in 2015, Google doubled the size of its highly visual product listing ads (PLAs), and last year they announced that up to four search ads could appear for “highly commercial queries,” whereas previously the maximum had been three. Even if you aren’t involved in paid search, it’s important to keep track of any changes that impact the overall SERP layout and design, as these changes may affect the way users engage with organic listings.

These seismic shifts in the industry have a profound impact on SEO. Although my company has observed that the overall share of organic traffic for websites remains the same as it was in 2014 (51 percent of all incoming traffic, on average), this stability didn’t come easily — and it will become harder to defend this level of organic traffic contribution. Marketers now need to consider how content is evaluated and displayed on a variety of devices so they can attract more clicks from the right search user at the right time.
Joemktg's insight:

The changing SERP: Understanding and adapting to dynamic search results - Search Engine Land


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9 tools to help you succeed with Google SERP features - Search Engine Land

9 tools to help you succeed with Google SERP features - Search Engine Land | The MarTech Digest |
1. Yotpo’s Search Enhancements
2. Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool
3. Data Highlighter
4. Schema-friendly WordPress themes
5. Schema markup WordPress plugins
6. Moz Pro’s Advanced SERP Feature Tracking
7. Rank Ranger’s Google SERP Features Tool
Joemktg's insight:

CT for details and links.


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Paid vs. Organic Social Media: Which Is More Effective? - Profs

Paid vs. Organic Social Media: Which Is More Effective? - Profs | The MarTech Digest |
Social Media - Most enterprise marketers say paid social media is more effective than organic (unpaid) social media in helping their business achieve its goals, according to recent research from Clutch.
Joemktg's insight:

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Four ways to adjust your SEO strategy for four-pack paid search ads | Search Engine Watch

Four ways to adjust your SEO strategy for four-pack paid search ads | Search Engine Watch | The MarTech Digest |
Here are four ways you can adjust your site SEO strategy to account for the new face of SERPs.

1) Start aiming for the answer box

Stay in the SERP spotlight by getting your website selected to be featured in the answer box. The answer box still falls below paid results (if there are any), but it is prominently called out.

2) Make local optimization a priority

If you have brick and mortar business locations, getting in that local pack is more important than ever. Otherwise, organic search space on page one of this SERP is virtually non-existent after four paid results and the local pack.

3) Stop writing for keywords, start writing for topics

Hopefully, you aren’t still targeting one specific keyword with your content. Keywords aren’t dead by any means, but it’s always a better idea now to write pieces that target topics, using a variety of semantically linked keywords.

4) Form a closer alignment with paid search

Paid and organic search teams need to coordinate to maximize brand exposure in search. As noted recently by Thomas Stern, a mutually-beneficial relationship between the two will allow paid search to boost visibility while organic search identifies gaps in the competitive landscape.
Joemktg's insight:

A MUST read in you use paid search. Outstanding guidance.


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Can moving to a new TLD boost search rankings? - Marketing Land

Can moving to a new TLD boost search rankings? - Marketing Land | The MarTech Digest |
One of the big questions in SEO today is how new TLDs (top-level domains), like .LIVE, .NEWS or .ATTORNEY are affecting search engine rankings. While some believe that .COM domains are the only safe option, Google has insisted that generic top-level domains aren’t at any disadvantage in their search rankings’ algorithm. Rather than accept either of these statements at face value, we wanted to know, what does the data say?

That’s why we commissioned Globe Runner, a Dallas-based SEO firm, to investigate the effect of moving from a .COM to a new TLD. The subject of this study was Jacksonville.ATTORNEY, a domain registered by Eric Block, a personal injury attorney in Jacksonville, FL. Eric’s migration from in March of 2015 was a great opportunity to observe domain metrics before and after the switch. What Globe Runner discovered is that moving to a new TLD very likely contributed to Eric’s site appearing at the top of many search results.

The legal industry sees some of the highest CPC rates, but Eric’s experience can be duplicated for other products and services, too. The takeaway for any company looking to market themselves online is that SEM isn’t the only route to take, and in many cases, doesn’t represent the best bang for your buck, either. Many will find that putting the domain name (and new TLDs) at the center of their strategy will drive traffic and search engine rankings without breaking the bank every month on costly PPC campaigns.
Joemktg's insight:



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Refine your content marketing tactics to benefit from enhanced search engine display - Search Engine Land

Refine your content marketing tactics to benefit from enhanced search engine display - Search Engine Land | The MarTech Digest |
Most content marketing guides can explain the principles of optimization, as well as the critical role that search engines play in generating content visibility. What the guides fail to address are the many features or types of search results that exist and how they impact the visibility of content that is produced. 

These enhancements — special methods of display tailored to match the type of content being shown — encompass a wide range of SERP features, including:

  • Knowledge Graph;
  • local pack;
  • reviews;
  • site links; and
  • Featured Snippets.
In this article, I’ll focus on Google and use Google-specific terminology, though Bing has unique methods of displaying information as well. Let’s explore the most effective ways Google enhances its search results and look at examples of keywords and content types that both generate and populate them.
Joemktg's insight:

This is one of those articles that you need to absorb and incorporate into your agenda. Bookmark alert. CT for details.


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Google’s recent SERP changes and tests: everything you need to know | Search Engine Watch

Google’s recent SERP changes and tests: everything you need to know | Search Engine Watch | The MarTech Digest |
The first, as we reported in our round-up of key search marketing news on Friday, is that Google appears to have increased the length limit for title tags in the SERPs to around 69-70 characters.Title tags on mobile have lengthened even further, some now clocking in at a whopping 78 characters, giving rise to a bit of a dilemma for SEOs wanting to optimise for both desktop and mobile.

Featured snippets have also grown in size, while descriptions now seem to be able to fit a larger number of characters onto one line, although the overall length of descriptions appears to be staying the same for the moment.

Meanwhile, Google is also conducting some A/B testing of different link colours, in a move reminiscent of its infamous “fifty shades of blue” test in 2009. Some users have noticed Google trialling different shades of blue in their search results, while others are protesting a change in link colour from blue to black. So what do we know so far about the new changes, and what impact could they have on SEO if they’re here to stay?
Joemktg's insight:

Heads up! CT for the details to what you need to know.


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How one small word makes a huge difference on Google SERPs | Search Engine Watch

How one small word makes a huge difference on Google SERPs | Search Engine Watch | The MarTech Digest |
I pulled a search term report and filtered for keywords containing “best.”

What I found was pretty interesting. In all the metrics “best” keyword metrics were roughly 2X of the average across all keywords. This indicates two things:

Consumers are responding at a very high level to these keywords with high interest.
Due to this consumer reaction the cost for these queries is also much higher than the norm. This makes sense and is really the beauty of a free market economy.
Joemktg's insight:

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Google is removing all Right Hand Side Ads on SERPs worldwide | Search Engine Watch

Google is removing all Right Hand Side Ads on SERPs worldwide | Search Engine Watch | The MarTech Digest |
As reported and confirmed by numerous sources, Google will no longer be showing ads on the right hand side of its search results pages.

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Joemktg's insight:

Holy crap!

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First Page Google Results - How Do You Rank? [Infographic] - SEMrush

First Page Google Results - How Do You Rank? [Infographic] - SEMrush | The MarTech Digest |

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Google’s Shifting SERPs Signal the End of Generic Results - Relevance

Google’s Shifting SERPs Signal the End of Generic Results - Relevance | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions.

Joemktg's insight:

Great point made with this post: SERP is changing slowly but surely.

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Is Your Site Mobile-Friendly? - FierceCMO

Is Your Site Mobile-Friendly? - FierceCMO | The MarTech Digest |

The best way to determine if your site passes Google's mobile-friendly litmus test is to head over to Google's Mobile Friendly Test. A page is eligible for the "mobile-friendly" label if it meets the following criteria as detected by Googlebot:

  • Avoid software that is not common on mobile devices, like Flash
  • Uses text that is readable without zooming
  • Sizes content to the screen so users don't have to scroll horizontally or zoom
  • Places links far enough apart so that the correct one can be easily tapped

Alternatively, you can use sites like to ensure your site works properly across various types of mobile devices. But don't worry about that too much since only smartphones—not tablets—will be impacted. Also note that desktop rankings are not affected by this update.

Joemktg's insight:

Don't panic if you come up not mobile friendly. You've got time (not a lot, but a few weeks of so) to fix the issues. And remember that relevant content is still the #1 must-have for your SERP.

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Five Quick-and-Dirty Tips to Save Your Google Search Rank [Infographic] - Profs

Five Quick-and-Dirty Tips to Save Your Google Search Rank [Infographic] - Profs | The MarTech Digest |

iNeoMarketing’s MarTech Managed Services solves numerous B2B Marketing challenges. Contact us to see how.

Joemktg's insight:

More on Mobilegeddon.

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Rolling out the mobile-friendly update - Google

Rolling out the mobile-friendly update - Google | The MarTech Digest | bridges the gap between your MarTech and your in-house experience. Contact us.

Joemktg's insight:

It has arrived. So if you see the word Mobilegeddon, they're referring to this. Bottom-line: not being Responsive hurts.

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Does Social Media Influence Search Rankings? - Act-On | #TheMarketingTechAlert

Does Social Media Influence Search Rankings? - Act-On | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |
As it turns out, social media does influence search ranking. We borrowed an infographic from Quick Sprout to show you the evidence.


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Joemktg's insight:

But as a reader of The Marketing Technology Alert, you already knew that.

greer harrison's curator insight, October 2, 2014 4:58 AM

Interesting fact - by adding an image to your post it is likely to increase social engagement by 200%. Images especially bright and bold ones instantly capture people's attentions rather than a words. 

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Understanding Google Average Position Rankings | Anchor Wave | #TheMarketingTechAlert

Understanding Google Average Position Rankings |  Anchor Wave | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |



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9 Ways the Pros Integrate their Blog with Google+ to Dominate SERPs — socialmouths | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

9 Ways the Pros Integrate their Blog with Google+ to Dominate SERPs — socialmouths | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Intermediate/ Digest...

1- Plus One Button

There are many plugins that will create a +1 button including my favorite WPSocialite. If you want to add a +1 in a post like you see above, you can get the code right here.

2- Profile and Community Badges

These badges are easy to customize, look nice on just about any site, are super simple to implement and don’t slow your website down. If you’d like to place a Google+ badge on your website click here.

3- Google Authorship

The secret is out on Google Authorship. You should be adding Authorship to every piece of content you create. Google is efforting to track every piece of content ever created on the web all the way down to the human being that created it. You can learn how to claim Google Authorship here. If you use WordPress there are free plugins which can easily add Authorship to your site. Once you have Authorship setup, you can verify by using the Rich Snippets Testing Tool.

4- Google Share Button (Interactive Posts)

The Google+ share button is similar to “Reshare” feature within Google+. When someone clicks the share button they are NOT giving your article a +1. They are simply sharing your article with their network on Google+.

5- Embedded Posts

Comments, +1′s and reshares all carry the same weight and relevancy. In addition you get an active follow button where visitors can connect with you without leaving your site similar to badges. Learn more about embedded Google+ posts here.

6- Google Sign-In

Google Sign-in is geared more towards application and SAAS developers than traditional bloggers. But if you live in that world then Google Sign-in allows you provide Google+ users with additional value and ease of use. Google Sign-in also gives your application the ability to communicate with their connections.

7- Google+ Comments

You can add Google+ Comments and their functionality via several different WordPress plugins.

The most popular and powerful Google+ Comment plugin is Comments Evolved for WordPress.  If you would like to separate Google+ Comments from Traditional comments then Google+ Comments Box is the plugin for you.

8- Content Recommendations (Mobile)

Add Google+ content recommendations to your mobile website with Google+ Content Recommendations. This tool adds some additional functionality to your mobile visitors. This feature is not going to make or break your success online but does provide more opportunities for engagement on Google+.

9- Hangout Button

The Google Hangout Button provides one-click functionality for web visitors to start a hangout using a web application included inside it. An example of this functionality is Slideshare Hangout Button, which allows you to view Slideshare slides while conducting a Google Hangout.



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Joemktg's insight:

This is one of those articles upon which you need to take immediatley action if your blog is atop the WP platform. Another no brainer today.

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Google+ & SEO: How Google+ Impacts Search Results - Search Engine Watch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Google+ & SEO: How Google+ Impacts Search Results - Search Engine Watch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |


The most straightforward way Google+ impacts search results is with personalization:

  1. People who follow on Google+ are more likely to see it.
  2. People who follow anyone who +1's the content are more likely to see it.

This is already a very big deal. If you can build a strong audience of your own, or if major influencers in your market space +1 or share the content, this can get you a lot of exposure to your target market.


Part of Hummingbird was to allow Google to better process signals other than links, such as signals from social platforms. This is quite interesting! While this new information makes it sound like Google is not using social signals yet, it makes it sound like it is definitely coming!


We know that the personalization impact is quite strong, and that Google+ posts themselves can rank in the SERPs. This is already a compelling reason to engage in Google+, especially if there is a real audience for you there. We also know that Google gets the information from Google+ directly. Unlike Facebook and Twitter, there is no crawling involved in this process. Google+ also is continuing to grow, and it is strategic to Google's plans. With Hummingbird, it seems increasingly likely that Google+ will have some influence on non-personalized results.



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Joemktg's insight:

More evidence that points to Google+'s influence on SERP. Very important note concerning Hummingbird as a stage-setter for Google's use of social signals as a part of SERP!

Kanishk Bhatia's curator insight, November 19, 2013 7:00 AM


FerSEO's curator insight, November 22, 2013 6:34 AM

La gente que te sigue en Google+ o que sigue a alguien que ha hecho +1 en una de tus publicaciones, es más probable que vea tus contenidos.

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The New Google Design: Understanding Google’s New Search Results Page | WordStream | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

The New Google Design: Understanding Google’s New Search Results Page | WordStream | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
What's behind the new Google search results page design? This infographic takes a closer look at the numbers driving the new Google layout.



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Joemktg's insight:

Fascinating review of the SERP. Note all the stats in the infographic, some of which are stunning.

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Ten Tips to the Top of Google - Search Engine Watch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Ten Tips to the Top of Google - Search Engine Watch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Earning top search rankings on Google isn't easy. It takes a lot of work to ensure your site is optimized, is high-quality, and has a great user experience. Here are 10 tips on how to get started optimizing for Google's algorithm today and beyond.

Key excerpt...

12. Use Authorship to Build Your Personal Brand (Authority)

Claim and master Google+ through their relatively easy process and correct markup of your site.

Authorship, Google's content verification and content association methodology ensures that connections are recognized, organized and associated with authored articles, comments, opinions (+1s), and other content attributed to specific writers(s).

Why bother? Authorship manifests in author's photos appearing alongside content results in the search results – improving click-through rates significantly!

13. Be Social

Claim your social profiles, connect on networks relevant to your audience, and remember no platform is, or should be, an island!

Your social footprint consists of a few components:

  • Claiming your relevant social profiles
  • Optimizing your profiles for your topic expertise / location expertise
  • Posting interesting content or relevant information, content and form factor for each platform / audience
  • Connecting with your optimal audience
  • Interacting with your audience
  • Amplifying interactions (ensuring no platform is an island)

Social interaction and amplification has progressively become more important for SEO given the ability to deploy or promote shareable content to both "connected" and "potential" audiences, empowering both groups to engage and generate trust and topic association signals, links, citations and mentions that search engines can recognize, catalog and leverage to improve both the personalization and relevance of results.

Joemktg's insight:

No shockers here, but I wanted to include (or reinforce) the importance of social as it impacts your SERP.

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Content Curation & SEO: A Bad Match? - Search Engine Watch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Key excerpt...

[Cutts] also talks about including access to information that isn't otherwise generally available. Here are some ideas on how you can make it quite different:

  1. Recognized Expert Analysis: In addition to producing the list of resources, add commentary and analysis from recognized experts and cement that with rel=author tagging. This is where the "editorial voice" and "distinctive point of view" come in.
  2. Unique Expert Reviews: Include expert reviews and commentary on the curated content. The key here: these reviews aren't published elsewhere. Rel=author tagging is a good idea here, too.
  3. Data Sources: Accessing data sources not available to Google is also useful. Bear in mind, though: it's critical that these data sources be very distinct and differentiated in a way that will be immediately obvious to both users and Google.
  4. Freshness: If you have a method for updating this in real time, and significantly faster than Google does, this may work as well. Note: a regurgitated news feed fails this test.

Joemktg's insight:

Content curation does NOT hurt your SERP, but it won't help either UNLESS you add value. Plain 'ol RSS feeds into your site add nothing, however, if you are putting effort into finding the right content, then adding intelligent commentary, then tag it with the rel=author (to add to your Google Authorship ranking).

Add value, and you'll be fine!

Peg Corwin's curator insight, August 26, 2013 4:38 PM

Very interesting post on what it will take to get Google to index your curated content.  Do read comment from Marketing Automation.

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What's the Value of Being the Top Google Search Result? - Profs

What's the Value of Being the Top Google Search Result? - Profs | The MarTech Digest |
Search Engine Marketing - A website with the first position in Google results receives 33% of the traffic for a keyword or phrase, compared with 18% for the second position, according to a recent ...

Supporting excerpt...

The drop in cumulative traffic moving from one page to another is even more significant. Sites listed on the first Google search results page generate 91.5% of all traffic from an average search. When moving from page one to two, the traffic drops 95%—and 78% and 58% for the next two pages, respectively.

Joemktg's insight:

If this doesn't tell the full story, I don't know what else would. Any doubts as to SERP position are hereby doused.

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  • iNeoMarketing drives more revenue and opportunities for B2B companies using marketing technologies. Contact us
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[FREE] SEO Ranking Factors - Rank Correlation 2013 for Google USA 2013 - Searchmetrics

[FREE] SEO Ranking Factors - Rank Correlation 2013 for Google USA 2013 - Searchmetrics | The MarTech Digest |

The study deals with the definition and evaluation of ranking factors that have a positive correlation with the front rank in Google organic search results.

Joemktg's insight:

We think you'll want this report. We were amazed by the impact of Google +1.

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Free Viral Ads's curator insight, July 1, 2013 9:36 AM

Rank Correlation 2013 Study!

Like last year, the Ranking Factor – Rank Correlation study deals with the definition and evaluation of factors that differentiate better-positioned websites from pages placed further back in the organic search results – i.e.: pages that have a positive rank correlation.

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How to optimize content for SERP domination - Brafton

Visit our website for some live client examples and learn how we can directly aid your online efforts! Interested in staying updated w...
Joemktg's insight:

Definitely worth 3 minutes of time to review the basics associated with optimizing your content to drive it to the top of the SERP.

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  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.
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7 Ways to Get More Organic Search Clicks - Search Engine Watch

7 Ways to Get More Organic Search Clicks - Search Engine Watch | The MarTech Digest |
Why the hell should people click on your result? Because you're addressing the user's intent, capturing attention, and inspiring the click. Give users click-worthy results. See seven strategies that will make your site stand out in the SERPs.

How to Get People to Engage (Click)
  1. Build a brand! Last time we talked about building off-site awareness. Leveraging offsite promotions, creating associations and affiliations can inspire users to click through when they see your name (and Google loves brands!)
  2. Pay attention to the title tag and meta description of your page. Do they tell enough of a story about what users will get from a click, and is it differentiated from your competition (if you aren't doing research in the SERP by actually searching on your "money queries," then you don't deserve the click!)
  3. Core optimization is key. Not just around on page and in code tag optimization. Look at your site structure, internal linking and how people are navigating your site to help create breadcrumbs in your search results (look at the TripAdvisor example above).
  4. Are you using rich snippets? Google will like you more if you do... they even give you the tools to make it easier to see how well you're doing! Markup your data!
  5. Authorship is a buzzword, but an important one! Google tells you how, and I suggest you run – don't walk – to implement... and then write some great content!
  6. Think multimedia! Especially around explanations of products, services or expertise. Create video and image assets, tag them, caption them, *optimize* them and promote them!
  7. Review the SERP! Having a great looking result is one thing, having the best looking result can bring you more and better traffic. Review often. Tweak. Test. Engage!
Joemktg's insight:

Yet another valuable list of tips focused on SERP and the corresponding desired clicks.

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  • iNeoMarketing merges marketing automation with content marketing for a powerful lead management solution, configured and managed by our knowledgeable, experienced staff.  Contact us.
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