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What do customers really want? The top five most important things revealed


A few weeks ago, I decided to conduct some independent research. I have always been intrigued to know exactly what is most important to us as consumers, and up until now have used my professional experience, personal experiences and gut feel to assess what I thought to be the most important things. Thanks to friends, contacts and acquaintances, I am delighted to be able to put a little more ‘flesh on the bones’ to determine what is important – based on fact!

Vimal Rai's curator insight, November 11, 2013 2:16 AM

I have my reservations about such customer research, and especially one that is generic. It almost invites the obvious - that "value for money" is the greatest concern etc. Yet, something to think about.

Martine Coutu's curator insight, November 11, 2013 12:04 PM

Offrez-vous de la valeur? Un service à la clientèle hors pair? Votre parole est d'or? Tout dans les règles de l'art? Est-ce facile de faire affaire avec vous?

Eric_Determined / Eric Silverstein's comment, November 11, 2013 9:22 PM
Thanks Vimal and Martine for your input and comments. This article just validates some of the big points which businesses need to address.