LAB LUXURY and RETAIL ® : MARKETING & COMMUNICATION : Retail - Expérience Client - Luxe - Digital in Store - Future of Retail - Commerce Connecté - Omnicanal - Social Marketing - Influence - Réseaux Sociaux -Transformation Digitale
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Online to Offline - Why did Amazon Open a Store?


When I hosted my first breakfast at HVO Search discussing retail and digital convergence I asked "is Amazon ever going to have a store?"

And last month my question was answered. Yes indeed. Amazon has joined the likes of Birchbox, Warby Parker and Bonobos creating their offline experience. 

On 2 November, Amazon opened its first physical store. Located in Seattle’s University Village neighbourhood, the store, a bookshop, has been labelled “a physical extension of”, and uses customer
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Amazon opening its first real bookstore — at U-Village


Two decades after it started selling books online, Amazon opens a shopping center storefront with books for sale on actual shelves.
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Shopper Tech allows bricks-and-mortar retailers to capture the same level of data as ecommerce stores


Shopper Tech | In response to the shift in consumer shopping habits, as well as growing concerns amongst retailers about becoming irrelevant in the face of technological change, Sydney-based software development company Thought Studio has come up...
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Priorité à l’omnicanal et à la numérisation du point de vente chez les principaux détaillants européens


Les deux tiers des détaillants européens mènent actuellement leur transformation digitale. Et 20% la débuteront fin 2015. Point de …
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Let’s Get Physical: Why Shoppers Still Love Real-World Stores


It seems that despite the growth of mobile shopping technology, retail customers still like to “...
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