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Les 50 chiffres à connaître sur les médias sociaux en 2019


Chaque année, nous publions un récapitulatif des statistiques des réseaux sociaux. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn… cet article permet de visualiser les forces en présence et les dynamiques des réseaux sociaux. Au cours de l’année, pour accéder aux chiffres régulièrement mis à jour, rendez-vous sur
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Surveiller l’#épidémie de #grippe grâce à #Twitter, c’est efficace #socialmedia #Sociallistening #hcsmeufr #Esante #Patient 


Surveiller l’épidémie de grippe grâce à Twitter, c’est efficace
Le nombre de tweets relatifs à la grippe publiés sur le réseau social suit la même courbe que les consultations médicales. Selon Santé publique France, Twitter pourrait aider à surveiller les épidémies.
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GSK, Pfizer Lead in New Global Twitter Pharma Influencer Ranking - Teva is Dead, Last  #hcsmeufr #esante #digitalhealth


Tweeting to the top, GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer tied for the No. 1 spot in the inaugural ranking of global pharma influencers by Owen Health. The U.K.-based healthcare marketing agency evaluated 22 pharma companies on authority, reach, activity, engagement and influence to rate the most and least adept when it comes to Twitter.

GSK and Pfizer both scored 75 and led the pack in influence, measured by Klout scores. Pfizer scored particularly well in reach—coming in second to Novartis—and also in being active, where it was just slightly behind Roche and Johnson & Johnson, which were Nos. 1 and 2 respectively in that measurement, Dean Mattingley, director at Owen Health, said in an email interview.

Meanwhile, GSK’s strength was engagement, which used a weighted measurement of likes, retweets and replies and took into account the number of followers and the volume of tweets sent during the month-long survey period. Mattingley said that that way, the engagement measure resulted in a score that "provides a clearer understanding of whose content is working the best.”

Owen Health used a snapshot approach for the study, analyzing more than 5,000 data points for the pharma Twitter accounts during the month of October 2017.

At the bottom of the ranking was Teva, with a score of 22.


Pharma Guy's curator insight, January 22, 2018 12:31 PM

It’s obvious that pharma’s use of Twitter, for the most part, is being led by public relations people. There are “corporate” announcements meant for investors or the press while patients are largely being ignored.   Why is this happening? Largely because of two reasons; first, they are afraid of using social media for patient engagement and second because they don’t have the people to use social media as tool to reach customers.

Social Networking and Twitter in Medical Education


Discuss, Develop and Demonstrate strategies for leveraging social media networking sites (twitter) for dissemination of scholarly work and medical education …
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Pharma on Twitter: The Few Are Now the Many - Most Outside U.S.


How many?

Looking first to numbers – the numbers have grown even if the strategy may not seem all that apparent. The total number of Twitter feeds in the data base is 335 being run by 69 companies making prescription products – removing those that are aimed at supporting over-the-counter products. Obviously there are some pharma company brands that run multiple feeds. Some run over 20.


How busy?

One of the fields tracked is how often the feed is used and only 201 had “regular” or “daily” updates with another 8 having rare updates. The balance were inactive/dormant accounts. Of the active feeds, the pharmas are following about 190,000 others and being followed by 2.7 million.


What for?

Overwhelmingly the purpose is a corporate one with 141 of the Twitter feeds serving some direct corporate purpose. There are also a fairly large number that have been devoted to the issue of a disease or condition (39 overall, 23 among the active). A few are even dealing in product-specific work to varying degrees.


Where are they?

What may surprise some is that 58 percent of the active Twitter feeds were outside of the United States. 

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Medical Conference Hashtags Hi-Jacked by Spam & Click-Farming Twitter Accounts


Silja Chouquet examines the Twitter noise at pharma/medical meetings:

We compared and segmented the tweets during ASCO, the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology versus ECTRIMS, the main congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis in 2015 (seeFigure).

The segmentation data shows that, despite the ASCO hashtag conversation being eight times bigger than ECTRIMS' (72k vs 9k tweets), both congresses featured strong participation, with roughly 30% of engagement coming from healthcare providers (HCPs). This is important because many organisers still believe that, as medical societies, their mission is, first and foremost, to serve their members and not to spread and share scientific advances with the entire world. These high proportions of HCP participation should thus reassure them that many of their members do, indeed, appreciate the value and relevancy of the Twitter hashtag conversation during their conferences.

Unfortunately, the next-largest segment of the ASCO tweets – 27% – came from null or low-quality accounts (null accounts are those that could not be segmented because they did not have sufficient information in their profiles or tweets. Low-quality accounts are those that can be clearly identified as spam or click-farming accounts). In contrast, these made up only 7% of tweets at the ECTRIMS event.

Segmenting ASCO tweets for previous years reveals that, ironically, this large number can probably be attributed to the much-envied high volume of tweets during ASCO in 2015.

Click-farming accounts are attracted to promoted campaigns like wasps are attracted to the ice cream your kids are eating in the summer. We suppose that the keywords used in promoted campaigns become part of their algorithms somewhere and thus, much like wasps, once one click-farming account gets attracted to a conversation hashtag, the other ones find it more easily and come buzzing into every aspect of the conversation.

In order to maintain the high quality of the engagement and conversation online, congress organisers should:

1. Issue guidance advising against the use of promoted tweets using their hashtag or targeting their participants.

2. Closely measure and monitor their hashtag conversation for quality and relevance.

3. Actively participate, facilitate and manage the conversation via their own handles.

4. Nominate key opinion leaders as their topical experts on Twitter (like ASCO).

5. Allow the community, especially patient advocacy groups, to step in, self-regulate and moderate their discussions.

Pharma Guy's curator insight, February 23, 2016 11:03 AM

Silja is one of the Digital-Savvy Pharma Women Pioneers I featured in this PPT: You might also be interested in this article based on advice by a digital-savvy Pharma guy I know: "Should Pharma's Use of Medical Conference Twitter Hashtags be Curbed?"; 

Twitter Is Good for the Promotion of Drugs of a Certain Sort


The pharmaceutical world has been flocking to Twitter, just like the rest of the universe, often in an attempt to draw attention to new scientific discoveries aiding in the treatment of disease or to connect with others in their field.

However, Twitter’s popularity has not only benefited the legitimate side of the pharmaceutical industry. A study released in December, supported by both the Global Health Policy Institute and the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmaciesfound an empirical link between all Twitter content and content aimed at the illicit drug sales. A survey of two week’s worth of posts shared on Twitter, involving the analysis of more than two million tweets, turned up 45,000 tweets which encouraged drug abuse. The survey found that more than three-quarters of tweets both pertaining to the non-medical use of prescription medications and including a hyperlink to a sales affiliate related to the anti-anxiety drug Valium.

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Les usagers de Twitter plus diplômés que ceux des autres réseaux sociaux


Les utilisateurs de Twitter sont, en moyenne, plus diplômés et plus jeunes que l'ensemble des internautes présents sur les réseaux sociaux, selon une étude réalisée conjointement par Twitter, l'American press institute et la société d'études DB5, publiée mardi.

L'étude a comparé un échantillon de 3713 utilisateurs actifs de Twitter avec un autre échantillon de 1000 personnes présentes sur les réseaux sociaux, représentatif au niveau national, dont 469 n'étaient pas utilisateurs de Twitter. Toutes les personnes sondées étaient majeures et ont été interrogées en ligne.

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Toronto hospital live-tweets colon cancer surgery


Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital live-tweeted colon cancer surgery this morning to raise awareness about prevention and treatment for the disease.
Shirley A Williams's curator insight, November 13, 2014 5:47 PM

It seems that more and more hospitals are sharing surgery operations using social media tools, mostly Twitter.


It is a great way to inform and engage the public, future patients and caregivers.


I would like to just see more of this kind of engagement at the health care frontline ie the patient - doctor interaction level.


In this post you can read the tweets from the hospitals at each step of the operation. Nicely done.



Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, et YouTube: les usages des réseaux en santé


Wikipedia, Twitter, facebook, and YouTube: uses in health
ChemaCepeda's curator insight, July 31, 2014 9:09 AM

¿Qué usos podemos dar a cada red social aplicados a la salud? Interesante gráfico con las ventajas y desventajas de cada una

rob halkes's curator insight, August 1, 2014 3:35 AM

Great overview !

Observatoire réseaux sociaux 2013 - IFOP


En moins d’une dizaine d’années, les réseaux sociaux ont bouleversé en profondeur les modes de communication tant dans la sphère personnelle que professionnelle.

Aurélia-Claire Jaeger's curator insight, December 16, 2013 4:04 AM

L'émergence de la tendance "Digital Detox"...

pbernardon's curator insight, December 16, 2013 9:37 AM

Merci pour le partage

Daniel Morgenstern's curator insight, December 27, 2013 11:14 AM

Une étude pleine d'enseignements sur ce phénomène technico-social

Social Media Can Boost Disease Outbreak Monitoring, Study Finds


Monitoring social media websites like Twitter could help health officials and providers identify in real time severe medical outbreaks, allowing them to more efficiently direct resources and curb the spread of disease, according to a San Diego State University studypublished last month in the Journal of Medical Internet Research,Medical News Today reports.

Study Details

For the study, lead researcher and San Diego State University geography professor Ming-Hsiang Tsou and his team used a program to monitor tweets that originated within a 17-mile radius of 11 cities. The program recorded details of tweets containing the words "flu" or "influenza," including:

  • Origin;
  • Username;
  • Whether the tweet was an original or a retweet; and
  • Any links to websites in the tweet.

Researchers then compared their findings with regional data based on CDC's definition of influenza-like illness.

The program recorded data on 161,821 tweets that included the word "flu" and 6,174 tweets that included the word "influenza" between June 2012 and the beginning of December 2012.

According to the study, nine of the 11 cities exhibited a statistically significant correlation between an uptick in the number of tweets mentioning the keywords and regional outbreak reports. In five of the cities -- Denver, Fort Worth, Jacksonville, San Diego and Seattle -- the algorithm noted the outbreaks sooner than regional reports.

Drew Hodges's curator insight, February 19, 2015 5:50 PM

This is a cool article to show the real life change that social media is creating. Before it was stated that it would take up to two weeks to detect an outbreak of a disease but now with social media it can be done in a day. 

This article really shows how social media is becoming a part of our everyday life and is taking on roles that we probably didn't expect it to. 

However with the number of users increasing it is important to have tools that help us monitor the large amount of data that is present. 

Its no good having all this information if we cannot harness it's true potential, like the one illustrated in this article for disease break out.

Helpful Social Media Statistics [Infographic]


Social media is one of those things that businesses of all sizes know that they need to do, but they are not really sure how to do it, where they can find the time to do it, or if they are willing to pay someone else to do it.
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, September 25, 2013 7:28 AM

Several useful social media stats here including why you should only post once or max twice a day on Facebok and why blogging is so critical now.

Les réseaux sociaux en 2013 : panorama, usages, perspectives, tendances et bonnes pratiques d'animation


Les réseaux sociaux en 2013 : panorama, usages, perspectives, tendances, bonnes pratiques d'animation (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Tumblr...) - Leurs atouts, leurs limites ?

Soizick le Téno's curator insight, July 31, 2013 5:31 AM

à garder.

Ennio Martignago's curator insight, July 31, 2013 1:51 PM

Suggestioni in slide sull'evoluzione dei social network

Sylvie Mercier's curator insight, August 9, 2013 12:44 PM

Réseaux sociaux perpectives

Google+ Is Now The Number Two Social Network In The World


Reports now show that Google+ has surpassed Twitter in active users and is second only to Facebook.

A new report by Global Web Index shows that Google+ has surpassed Twitter in active users and is second only to Facebook.

Technically YouTube was considered #3 and Twitter came in at #4 by the numbers. Although it is good to note that Twitter is actually the fastest growing of them all, with 40% growthin the last quarter.

Two Pens's curator insight, March 3, 2013 6:24 PM

Interesting that G+ ranks #2 with so few people actually using it as a network. Shows the power of Google that everybody feel like they have to belong to it but so many don't use it :-) Nobody wants to get left behind.

Janet Louise Stephenson's curator insight, May 3, 2013 10:23 PM

Do you believe that Google+ moved ahead of Twitter?

INFOGRAPHIC: What Makes Social Media so Influential?


If your impression of social media is limited to your friends posting cat videos and teenagers glued to their iPhones – think again.

Social media possesses incredible influential power, and since the advent of the Internet it's evolved from a simple way for people to keep in touch into a massive global network connecting organizations, communities and people.Social media is the easiest, fastest and most explosive way to transmit and receive information! And best of all – absolutely anyone can take advantage of it.


Check out the infographic to learn how to embrace the ubiquity of social media and use its power to better yourself, your business, or cause, and find a host of statistics and facts that may surprise you about the influence of social media...

9 Trends Now In Social Media


Rather than the usual look ahead at year end, this looks at trends happening right now in social media being implemented by brands globally
Margareth Baulard's curator insight, December 13, 2012 6:04 AM

Les tendances du moment et non pas une rétrospective de 2012 !

Geoffrey Cooling's curator insight, December 16, 2012 11:16 AM

Nice outline of current use

Social Media Demographics [infographic]


Steadily increasing usage worldwide shows remarkable figures about social media demographics...

Satroni-SEO's comment, November 13, 2012 2:38 PM
You find some brilliant infographics lauren, thanks! Re-scooped!

10 Amazing Social Media Statistics [INFOGRAPHIC]


Did you know that Twitter is grabbing more new registrations than Facebook, with more than half of its entire userbase compromised of people who have signed up in the last year, compared to just 19 percent for Mark Zuckerberg’s baby?

What if I said that almost a quarter (23 percent) of Facebook users check their account five or more times each day, Twitter users are 33 percent more likely to be Democrats or – sorry Foursquare – that 74 percent of Americans are unfamiliar with the concept of ‘checking in’.


These, and several other amazing social media statistics, can be found in the infographic on social media statistics...


Read more:


LuciaSilva's comment, October 7, 2012 4:35 PM
Great post!
iPhone Developer's comment, October 12, 2012 7:51 AM
That's ow some good job's curator insight, July 23, 2013 4:56 AM

#socialmedia statistics

Twitter Content Strategy Guide


Twitter has quickly become a favorite part of content marketing strategies employed by most businesses. The 140 character limit means that it doesn’t take much work, users have little inhibition about following quality profiles and it’s already optimized for mobile. Curating a quality Twitter feed lends itself to an answer for so many marketing questions that it would be hard to list them all here.

Still yet, lots of users have no idea how to make 140 characters count. What we end up with is Twitter feeds consisting primarily of links and quotes. Quotes are an obvious place to start when you want concise snippets of text that convey wisdom and evoke strong emotions. In fact, the most successful Twitter users are almost always inspirational, funny or educational in nature. However, followers don’t want to follow a copy of someone that’s already in their feed, and as an online influencer you don’t want to be pigeonholed.

Read more:

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Social Media for Cardiologists


Should cardiologists be interested in social media? Do they follow their colleagues on Twitter? Is it better for physicians not to join Facebook?

Drs Seth Bilazarian and Westby Fisher sit down with heartwire's Shelley Wood to talk about how they got their start in social media and why they think their colleagues should join this worldwide conversation.


Two experts (Shelly and Wes) and a Social Media Novice (me) encourage cardiologists to engage these new information platforms.

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Five Step Process for Using the Social Web


There is a five step process for using the social web, which includes listening, assessing the conversation, engaging, measuring, and improving. Start small . . .

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