EU's mHealth "Moon Shot:" Validate Data Collected by Apps! | 7- DATA, DATA,& MORE DATA IN HEALTHCARE by PHARMAGEEK |

The European Commission is working towards improving the safety and transparency of health information collected by mobile apps.

Its newly set up mHealth app working group will be tasked with assessing the validity and reliability of the data that is collected and processed.

The Commission also wanted it to produce draft guidelines for the area, which it says should be ready to be published by the end of this year.

The promise of health app guidelines follows the Green Paper on mobile health issued by the Commission in 2014, when it outlined the technology's potential to empower citizens to manage their own health, improve quality of care and comfort for patients and assist health professionals in their work.

The European Commission said: “The large number of lifestyle and wellbeing apps available, combined with no clear evidence on their quality and reliability, is raising concerns about the ability of consumers to assess their usefulness.

“This could limit the effective uptake of mHealth apps to the benefit of public health.”

Via Pharma Guy