Doctors Say They Recommend mHealth Apps to Patients, But Patients Say They Don't! | M-HEALTH  By PHARMAGEEK |

A survey conducted by Nielsen on behalf of the Council of Accountable Physician Practices (CAPP) finds that, at most, 52 percent of primary care physicians have recommended that their patients use an mHealth app or device to track their health. Yet only 4 percent to 5 percent of consumers surveyed say their PCP has made such a recommendation.


This means that either physicians are making the effort but their patients are ignoring the advice, or patients are looking for that guidance but it isn’t coming from their doctors.


The survey reached a familiar conclusion in how each generation perceives mHealth and telehealth.


It found that consumers rarely use video visits (only 5 percent total), but those age 34 and younger are twice as likely to use and want them than those age 65 and older.


The same discrepancy was seen in the use of text reminders for medication and health measurements and online scheduling tools.


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Via nrip, Pharma Guy