D-Eye: a smartphone-based retinal imaging system | M-HEALTH  By PHARMAGEEK | Scoop.it

D-Eye, a smartphone-based retinal imaging system, has raised $1.68 million (1.5 euros) from Innogest, Invitalia Ventures, Giuseppe e Annamaria Cottino Foundation, and Si14. 


The product was first conceived in Padua, Italy, by Dr. Andrea Russo, an ophthalmologist, when he was examining his patients. D-Eye CEO Rick Sill told MobiHealthNews that Russo got the idea when he was with a patient one day and his phone rang.


“He looked at the smartphone and said ‘I wonder if it would be possible to use the smartphone as a digital ophthalmoscope because now I could actually capture images using the smartphone. Then I’d be able to transmit those images to other doctors to view if they were so interested,’” Sill explained in an interview. “He went out and bought himself a 3D printer and started cranking out ideas for attaching a lens on top of a smartphone that would allow him to do just that, to image the retina.”

Via Dr. Stefan Gruenwald