Mount Sinai boosts medication adherence through app that pays patients to take pills #hcsmeufr #pharma #digitalhealth | M-HEALTH  By PHARMAGEEK |

Mount Sinai Health System is trying a new way to get high-risk patients to take their medications: financial incentives. Supported by a grant from Health 2.0 and the New York City Economic Development Corporation, the New York health system has enrolled 12 patients in a pilot with startup Wellth.

With Wellth’s technology, patients can earn a few dollars a day for taking their pills on time, which can add up to a significant amount over a few months. At Mount Sinai, for example, patients can earn $50 for one month of adherence. To report their adherence, they simply snap a photo with their phone’s camera of the pills in hand.

There are some tricks to the platform based on the startup’s behavioral economics research. For one thing, rather than seeing a monetary total tick up as they report their adherence, users see a pool of money that depletes when they miss a dose.