“Think, think, think”: message to European Cancer Patients Coalition AGM | e-Patient Dave | PATIENT EMPOWERMENT & E-PATIENT | Scoop.it

View mHealth presentation to ECPC Annual General Meeting on Vimeo. This is a quick first post to get this online before the meeting finishes. I hope to add

I’m in Brussels at the AGM (Annual General Meeting) of the European Cancer Patients Coalition, an association of over 400 cancer patient organizations. They are organized, they’re methodical, they’re action-oriented, working on health policy, drug development processes, patient involvement in clinical trials, and anything else in the patient’s interest. I was invited by Mrs. Kathi Apostilidis, vice president of ECPC and a long-time member of the Society for Participatory Medicine. She is also known as a force of nature.

The slides are available for viewing and download on SlideShare. More later.


Via rob halkes