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Les Français plébiscitent le transfert des tâches médicales aux infirmiers #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth

From www.lesechos.fr

Les prescriptions d'analyses ou de traitements pour les soins courants pourront bientôt être effectuées par un infirmier qualifié. Une évolution que les Français voient plutôt d'un bon oeil, selon un sondage Ipsos.
IZYCARDIO's curator insight, September 29, 2019 4:27 PM

Les français font confiance à nos infirmiers!

82% favorables à la prescription d'examens par les infirmiers

74% favorables au renouvellement des traitements par les infirmiers

57% favorables aux petits gestes de chirurgie (sutures...) réalisés par les infirmiers (sans supervision)

Elargir l'accès aux soins passera inéluctablement par la délégation des tâches.

Il faut ALLER VITE et PLUS LOIN en autorisant les délégations supervisée aux sein des équipes médicales volontaires, sans attendre. FAISONS CONFIANCE aux professionnels de santé sur le terrain!

Comment serons-nous soignés en 2030?

From www.telemedaction.org

Intelligence Artificielle, Chatbots et autres outils numériques... Mais aussi et surtout, une délégation des tâches à des Infirmiers de pratique avancée, Assistants numériques, avec une coordination renforcée entre soins primaires organisés et des hôpitaux repensés pour un ambulatoire dominant et une expertise tertiaire. Des financements adaptés à la médecine de demain au forfait pour des parcours cohérents. Et surtout une prévention primaire avec le patient au centre. Voilà le tableau visionnaire dressé par le Pr Pierre SIMON.

IZYCARDIO's curator insight, September 15, 2019 6:22 PM

Quelques précisions à cette vision futuriste de notre parcours de soins:

1) La #délégation des tâches avant le numérique, pour rapidement raccourcir les délais des soins. L'usage des outils digitaux viendra naturellement...

2) La notion de "consumérisme médical" est désobligeante pour le patient... Tout patient a le droit de recourir à des soins s'il le juge utile. Notre société doit juste déterminer, intelligemment, quels soins relèvent d'une prise en charge collective.

3) Un point crucial un peu oublié, c'est le financement impératif de la #coordination... Confiée au médecin traitant de nos jours et reléguée au deuxième plan derrière l'acte médical et technique. Le financement au parcours s'il est à la hauteur des enjeux pourra apporter quelques solutions

4) enfin la régulation des parcours de soins... Le Service d'Accès aux Soins #SAS annoncé ne fonctionnera pleinement que si les soins primaires et secondaires sont préalablement réorganisés, efficaces et digitalisés...

5) On n'insiste jamais assez sur la #PREVENTION... Seul moyen d'infléchir l'épidémie mondiale des maladies chroniques (#HTA, #DIABETE) dont le coût des soins curatifs devient insoutenable

48 sec au BANGLADESH à 22.5 min en SUEDE: durée moyenne des consultations dans 67 pays #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth

From bmjopen.bmj.com

Review covering 28 570 712 consultations in 67 countries. In 18 countries representing about 50% of the global population  patients spend 5 min or less with their primary care physicians. Impact on quality, relation and burnout

IZYCARDIO's curator insight, August 30, 2019 1:16 AM

Pour de 50% de la population mondiale, c'est moins de 5 min de consultation avec leur médecin généraliste. Nous ne sommes pas mal lotis en France avec 15 minutes en moyenne, avec une des densités les plus élevées de médecins généralistes. La notion de désert médical à l'échelle mondiale devient toute relative...

25% of Cardiologists Burned Out...  #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth

From www.medscape.com

Cardiologists reporting burnout were more likely to report feeling less satisfied with achieving professional goals, their level of advancement, and financial compensation .
Several factors were independently associated with a higher rate of burnout in multivariate analyses:
- No control over workload
- Hectic work environment
- Misalignment of values
Family responsibilities hindering professional work
- Intent to renegotiate for support staff
- Insufficient documentation time

IZYCARDIO's curator insight, July 11, 2019 3:30 PM

Les cardiologues ne sont pas épargnés par l'épuisement professionnel...

Les Objectifs, l'Avancement ainsi que la Rémunération jouent un rôle important.

La charge de travail, l'environnement professionnel, les valeurs, l'équipe, les contraintes familiales et le temps de formation sont des facteurs déterminants.

La qualité de vie au travail des professionnels de santé doit un être un pilier de la politique de santé. 

4 most important healthcare trends in 2018  #hcsmeufr #esante #digitalhealth

From www.beckershospitalreview.com

To say that it has been a tumultuous year for the healthcare industry is an understatement. Federal policy changes and recent transactions involving large insurers, health systems and retailers will affect providers, payers and patients alike.


While there are many new and emerging trends we need to pay close attention to in 2018, here are what I think are the four most significant issues that will command our attention in the year ahead.


1. Inconsistent healthcare policy will continue to dominate the headlines

 The federal debacle with so-called healthcare reform this year has been a case study in confusion, inefficiency and lack of focus. Every week seemed to bring a new twist in the direction of healthcare policy, especially in regards to the ACA, with almost no consistency to the legislative thought process. In many ways, the whole focus of ACA repeal and replace efforts was misguided — you can't take something apart without some ideas for a replacement. The federal government's lack of direction on healthcare policy has created chaos among all industry players.


Given the healthcare provisions in the proposed tax bill and potential future action with the ACA, there are serious implications for states across the country. The confusion surrounding Medicaid and other joint federal-state partnerships has discombobulated state budgets, and it is patients who will ultimately face the harshest consequences if states are forced to slash funding for healthcare.


For the foreseeable future, we're going to continue to see inconsistency in government policies and funding. This is especially dangerous for hospitals in underserved communities that rely almost exclusively on Medicaid and Medicare funding. Unless they are supported in some way, many of these providers will sink deeper into debt.


2. In order to keep pace with newly formed organizations and partnerships, hospitals and health systems need to innovate


The CVS-Aetna deal did not come as a surprise to industry leaders who have been keeping their ears to the ground and have paid attention to recent trends. But nevertheless, this merger is a major shake-up that cannot be ignored. Google, Amazon and IBM Watson are all looking to stake out a piece of the healthcare field, and deals such as  Optum's purchase of DaVita Medical Group underscore the ever-evolving nature of the ways people access and pay for care and services. Providers should not view this movement as a threat that must be stopped. Instead, we should spur innovation on our end. We can't sit still. That's why, in Northwell Health's case, we have been forging new partnerships and pursuing ventures that will enable the organization to compete more effectively in this rapidly changing environment. 


It will be especially intriguing to see what market segments CVS and Aetna pursue after the merger is finalized. Undoubtedly, they will offer prescriptions, preventive care and other primary services to supplement CVS' "Minute Clinics," but it remains to be seen what other health services will be provided as part of this new collaboration. Regardless of what new competitors enter the healthcare market, the seriously ill, elderly patients with chronic conditions and those who have suffered traumatic injuries will still be relying on hospitals to take care of them. It's highly unlikely that any of the new players will be providing inpatient care. As we all know, the bulk of healthcare funding is spent on long-term care for people at the end of life. The Amazons and Googles of the world are not targeting that population.


Recognizing that traditional healthcare providers do need to adapt to this era of consumerism, among my strategies are to continue expanding our ambulatory network, facilitating innovative partnerships, enhancing efforts in prevention, maximizing our use of artificial or augmented intelligence, and improving our already robust telemedicine program.


In the end, I believe competition is good. Market disruptions give all of us headaches, but they are ultimately beneficial because they force us to do better and be more efficient, productive and creative


3. Unless we continue to improve the customer experience, customers will go elsewhere for care


The more competitive the market becomes, the more work we as providers must do to continually improve the patient experience and develop customer loyalty. This can partly be done through improving communication and curating a more retail-focused experience.


This is unbelievably important, as patients now have more access and choice for their healthcare than ever before. This is not limited to the in-person experience, but also how hospitals and health systems communicate with patients to help them get information and make appointments. Online and mobile platforms are already important for engaging customers, and they will only grow more essential in 2018.


Online engagement is not only for younger patients. It's a medium that has become increasingly more effective than print or broadcast advertising for reaching older patients. Equally important is creating an experience that connects families with providers. We deliver more than 40,000 babies every year in our health system. Those are 40,000 families with whom we could be creating life-long bonds. Pursuing initiatives to maintain a connection with mothers and families is essential.


Over the past five or six years, we've seen major changes in the way innovative organizations in all industries treat their customers. For far too long in our industry, there was a pervasive attitude of, "We're hospitals, or we're physicians, people will always come because we’re here in the community," but those days are over. Consumers don't want to be told when to come or what to do – they want to access care and services on their terms, not ours. We are in the consumer service business, and our patients are educated and knowledgeable. They value easy access, a pleasant experience and quality care, so it's our job to adapt quickly to meet their needs and expectations. 


4. Strategies about "healthcare" must now encompass behavioral and mental health


As social stigmas surrounding mental health begin to break down and more people feel comfortable confronting behavioral health issues, it is the responsibility of providers to design their systems in a way that addresses the needs of these individuals. This is especially important at a time when opioid abuse has become one of this nation's most-challenging public health crises.


The problem goes beyond drug and alcohol abuse. For instance, studies have shown that younger generations' increased use of technology, particularly mobile devices, can lead to increased rates of anxiety, depression or loneliness. We as providers must consider these trends and tailor services accordingly, as more and more patients turn to us seeking care for issues that are destroying lives and breaking up families. All of us need to do a better job developing and training staff to meet this demand, especially when it comes to screening those who are trying to hide their addictions to opioids. It entails not only psychiatrists but nurses, social workers, case managers and other clinicians.


Regardless of the issues we face in this ever-evolving industry, we as providers must not resist change. We must continually adapt — those that don't will get left behind.

Sonam Sharma's curator insight, October 1, 2018 8:59 AM
james brown's curator insight, May 26, 2023 7:43 PM

Quando si tratta di questioni di salute, è fondamentale sapere quali sono le farmacie buone e cattive.
Devi imparare cosa cercare in una farmacia per sapere se è quella giusta. Ricorda, hai a che fare con la vita, ecco perché devi stare attento a dove acquistare i tuoi farmaci e altre necessità farmaceutiche.


john raph's curator insight, June 6, 2023 10:26 AM

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Who ‘owns’ the healthcare consumer of the future?  #hcsmeufr #esante

From www.cio.com

CVS and Aetna are merging. Amazon, JPMorgan Chase, and Berkshire Hathaway are forming a joint venture aimed at reducing health care costs and improving outcomes. Cigna is acquiring Express Scripts. The proposed mergers promise a revolution that could fundamentally alter the current healthcare landscape and the relationships between providers and patients. With these giant corporations betting big on healthcare, a logical question to ask is: What’s behind it all?


The answer is simple: ownership of the healthcare consumer experience, and by extension, the consumer.

Digitalization and healthcare consumerism

In the past few years, Amazon has reshaped the relationship between consumers and marketers. It has forged itself into being the preferred destination for consumers seeking convenience. Now, imagine Amazon applying this power to the healthcare sector. The company already offers a wide range of the over-the-counter drugs in their health and wellness section. Going from there to selling prescription drugs is not a big step. However, that step could become a big leap in terms of the shift in consumer loyalties if consumers are provided the option to order their 90-day medication refill and have it delivered to their doorstep (maybe even by a drone).


Recognizing the threat, many health systems are taking measures to digitalize their relationships with consumers by focusing on something they have long neglected: convenience. Virtual visits and e-visits are now becoming commonplace. A young mother of three no longer has to bundle her kids into the car and drive an hour each way to her hospital for a routine follow-up that takes all of fifteen minutes in the physician's office. A senior citizen in a wheelchair on multiple chronic-care medications no longer needs to "check in" by getting physically to a physician's office. They can both do their visits through secure messaging, or if required, through a virtual real-time consultation.


The above is just one example of how digitalization could reshape relationships between consumers and providers.

Data, analytics, digital

Here is another scenario that is already starting to play out. Consider a patient with high blood pressure. Technology is enabling patient-generated health data (PGHD) from wearables and sensors that include blood pressure, heart rate, glucose levels, and medication adherence to be transmitted seamlessly into the patient’s electronic health record (EHR). The combined data is being analyzed for trends and insights and made available to everyone involved in that patient’s care, enabling care teams to manage the patient more effectively. The patient can still control who can see the information by following an e-consent process through an app right on the mobile device. If a patient opts to participate in clinical studies, that person can be matched automatically with relevant opportunities. Both the individual patient and the population improve their health outcomes as a result.


Data-driven advancements are arriving in the form of both precision medicine and healthcare consumerism. Advancements in precision medicine are expected as the relationship between data from wearables, sensors, social determinants and other emerging sources is better interpreted through advanced artificial intelligence (AI), and yielding better outcomes. We are in the early stages of a new push toward patient-centered, consumer-directed care that is demonstrating strong growth potential.


What we are also starting to see is some redistribution of the in-person visits between traditional providers and emerging ones. As an example, CVS and Aetna are betting that consumers may prefer to visit one of their many walk-in clinics for minor conditions instead of waiting to schedule an appointment with their primary care physician in the hospital down the road. Urgent care is already shifting out of hospitals, and in many cases, going virtual altogether. The rise of companies such as Teladoc and Doctor-on-demand is clear evidence of this.

Bricks and mortar is not going away

None of this suggests that the traditional healthcare setting is fading into obscurity. Health systems, especially those with strong brands in their local and regional markets, have an unassailable lead today as trusted healthcare partners in their communities. Many of them are already making big investments in digitalization programs that will enable consumers to get the best of both worlds, namely a virtual experience for routine healthcare and urgent care needs, and an in-patient experience for acute care needs. For a high-quality patient journey, these two worlds must be tightly integrated. Only traditional hospitals can provide that truly integrated experience today.

The future of healthcare consumerism is not an either/or

If Big Data’s relationship to precision medicine has been on a more or less predictable trajectory, the explosive growth of healthcare consumerism has opened up options for healthcare consumers seeking convenience in addition to the quality of care. The healthcare leaders of tomorrow will ideally sit at the intersection of these two critical aspects of healthcare delivery. A reputation built on high-quality care alone will no longer be enough; neither will a reputation for slick user interfaces and transactional convenience.


A friend, who is also the CIO of a large health system, recently suffered a heart attack during a race. As he felt it coming on, he wisely checked himself into the medical tent from where he was rushed to a nearby hospital. A stent was put into his chest that saved his life. Imagine a scenario where with the help of real-time, advanced analytics and AI technologies, his imminent heart attack could have been predicted. Imagine, too, if he had not had access to one of the most experienced and qualified cardiologists in the country to attend to him during the emergency. Digitalization can ensure that the cardiologist's knowledge, wisdom, and experience are still accessible no matter the current physical location of the patient.


Ownership of the healthcare consumer experience requires a mixture of convenience and quality enabled by a robust data and analytics capability. No one sits precisely at that happy intersection today. However, the race is already underway to get there.

james brown's curator insight, May 29, 2023 12:19 PM

Quando si tratta di questioni di salute, è fondamentale sapere quali sono le farmacie buone e cattive. Devi imparare cosa cercare in una farmacia per sapere se è quella giusta. Ricorda, hai a che fare con la vita, ecco perché devi stare attento a dove acquistare i tuoi farmaci e altre necessità farmaceutiche.



Se le ofrece medicación sin receta, Farmacia España. – una de las farmacias más confiables de España, con más de 20 años de experiencia dispensando medicamentos de calidad


Healthcare 2025 - Forbes

From www.forbes.com

The future of medicine starts here.
Julie O'Donnell's curator insight, August 17, 2016 12:36 PM
Interesting series on Healthcare 2025 from Forbes. Touches on trends such as the rise of the healthcare billionaire - 365% growth in that category since 2007. There is also a 450% increase in investment in digital health companies in Q1 2016 as compared to Q1 2011. Amazing stuff. 

Healthcare in the digitisation era

From www.bigdataleaderseurope.com

If health is to be reduced to the 0’s and 1’s of digitalisation, then the pharmaceutical industry needs to ensure it is a ‘1’ and not a ‘0’
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The importance of new technologies for doctors and patients, the future of mHealth in hospitals and the need for innovation in health. Interview with Jorge Juan Fernández.

From www.mobilehealthglobal.com

"Jorge Juan Fernández is one of the top Spanish and European experts in digital health. He leads the digitalization of Barcelona's prestigious children's Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (HSJD), a well-known centre for its e-health innovation. He has a real thirst for knowledge in innovation and digital health and says that he tries to keep up to date, a real arduous task in our fast paced world. Fernández spoke to Mobile Health Global about the importance of new technologies for doctors and patients, the future of mHealth in hospitals and the need for innovation in healthcare."

ET Russell's curator insight, September 22, 2014 8:15 AM

vía @mHealthGlobal

Cloud, Mobile, Healthcare And Enterprise Software Lead Deloitte's 2014 Global Venture Capital Confidence Survey

From www.forbes.com

Cloud and SaaS-based start-ups are generating the greatest levels of confidence with global investors today, up 2% from 2013. Global investors continue to place a very high level of confidence in Cloud- and SaaS-based startups, with the industry receiving a 4.11 score on a 5.0 confidence rating scale. These and other key [...]
Peter Azzopardi's curator insight, September 8, 2014 5:52 PM

These and other key findings are from the 2014 Global Venture Capital Confidence Survey published last month by Deloitte & Touche LLP and the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA).

How technology can help tackle the rising cost of healthcare in Asia Pacific

From digitalapac.com

Throughout the world, governments are grappling with the growing challenge of providing quality, affordable healthcare. Increasingly, they’re turning to technology for the solution.

In the Asia Pacific region, the challenge is particularly acute. Healthcare costs are rising and putting pressure on many government budgets. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare calculates annual spending on healthcare services now exceeds $A 6,200 per person. Other developed countries in the region are facing similar burgeoning costs.

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PSFK Future Of Health Report

From www.slideshare.net

This report examines 13 trends that fit within four larger themes highlighting how consumer technologies, data analytics and information systems are changing the way healthcare is delivered both from a patient and physician...

ET Russell's curator insight, February 24, 2014 3:31 PM

A compressive presentation supported by [VIDEOS] and examples covering:

- Behavioural nudge

- Holistic tracking

- Incentivized wellness

-  Game therapy

- Empowered Patient

- DYI diagnosis

- Care guidance

- Social support communities

- Orchestrated care

- Remotehouse calls 

- Cloud powered medical records

- Physician to physician networks

-  Data driven plans

- Augmented treatment

- Embedded vital monitors

- Overlay OR (visualisation tools)









From eHealth to mHealth: mobile phones look after your health

From mobileworldcapital.com

Analysis of the influence of technology and smartphones in the field of medicine and how it they can be used to look after our health. @MWCBarcelona

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Patient engagement, mobile health and meaningful use | mHealthNews

From www.mhealthnews.com

With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, mobile technologies are quickly being adopted as a means to alleviate certain physician pain points and strengthen patient self-management. The recently released Meaningful Use Stage 2 objectives hold a larger focus on patient engagement, and mobile health holds promise as a key tool in helping organizations address these requirements. In fact, many of the engagement objectives that were optional in Stage 1 – such as patient reminders and education resources – are now required in Stage 2. Additionally, many of the Stage 2 rules reference the delivery of results directly to patients. 


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Wellness Mindset: Service Line Marketing to Keep Patients Out of the Hospital [PODCAST]

From www.healthcaresuccess.com

In our conversation with Eula McKinney today, she talks with Lonnie Hirsch about:

- how traditional hospital and service line marketing is shifting.

 - how traditional hospital and service line marketing is shifting.

“The hospital marketing strategy now needs to take into account preventative, acute care and post acute organizations, because as an industry, we are now responsible for the full continuum of clinical care,” 


ET Russell's curator insight, August 25, 2013 3:10 AM

Food for thought:

How can we change patients away from a transactional encounter to a relationship-based patient so they can contribute to their own healthcare?


Increasing patient participation through online information, accessibility via mobiles,  apps, email/sms reminders, phone apps with Gamification which rewards patient...


Marc Andreessen Describes How Google Glass Will Revolutionize Health Care via @bloomberg

From www.businessinsider.com

Think of a doctors "dealing with wounded patients and right there in their field of vision, if they're trying to do any kind of procedure, they'll have step-by-step instructions walking them through it. Don't have to call anyone, it's just there. That kind of thing, where we can view the Internet overlaid on the real world is transformative in a lot of different areas," he said.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/marc-andreessen-describes-how-google-glass-will-revolutionize-health-care-2013-4#ixzz2RwwnDR7y

Farid Mheir's curator insight, April 30, 2013 8:40 AM

Unfortunately this interview has only a single example but finally it is one that relates to business, healthcare in this case. Additional examples are provided, and they have mostly to do with regards to customer support, or instant help.

Report says mHealth sensor market will grow 70% annually -- but what about slow adoption?

From medcitynews.com

A new report estimates the market for sensors and mobile health apps will grow to $5.6 million by 2017. But how can that be if the adoption rate has been flat?
Best Doctors's curator insight, April 29, 2013 4:38 PM

Medical apps: undreds of companies are making them, but who is using them?

HEALTHCARE: Cloud-Computing Tools For Doctors And Physicians | CloudTweaks

From www.cloudtweaks.com

Cloud storage. Information storage is of major importance for doctors as they need to keep medical records, notes, test results, cardiology and radiology images, available and secure. There are two alternatives when it comes to cloud storage solutions for medical services: the electronic medical record solution (EMR) and the electronic health record solution (EHR)

Paul Gagnon's curator insight, March 7, 2013 4:11 PM

As bandwidth expands the mobile access will increase commensurate with the security risk...

Health-care sector vulnerable to hackers, researchers say

From www.washingtonpost.com

Security researchers warn that intruders could exploit known gaps to steal patients’ records for use in identity theft schemes and even launch disruptive attacks that could shut down critical hospital systems..

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Social Media, mHealth and Medicine: 2012 in Review and Hopes for the Future

From healthworkscollective.com

As we reflect on 2012 and the changes that have occurred in healthcare, I am astounded by the increasingly significant roles that social media and mHealth are playing in medicine today.
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