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Almirall's Eduardo Sanchiz and Alfonso Ugarte with their view on patient centricity to pharma - eyeforpharma Barcelona 2016


In these exclusive videos eyeforpharma's Paul SImms spoke with Eduardo Sanchiz and Alfonso Ugarte, resp CEO and Senior Director of Global Business Units of Almirall, on the changing pharma landscape, patient value and rewriting the business plan.

rob halkes's curator insight, February 6, 2016 10:11 AM

Inspiring to see the leadership of Almirall speaking about their personal drives to lead their company to patient centricity.

Why Pharma Matters


In 1948, the year I was born, the average American man did not retire at age 65. He died of a heart attack.There were no thrombolytic drugs to break up the clots that were starving his heart of oxygen, no beta-blockers to ease the strain on his heart. There were no cardiac surgeons. Coronary artery bypass grafts lay a dozen years in the future, and though cardiac catheterization had just been developed, it would be nearly three decades before it would be used to reopen blocked coronary arteries
rob halkes's curator insight, July 13, 2015 10:26 AM

Pharma matters, in the past, at present and certainly in the future..

But how to define thier new position in healthcare: is it less or more than 'just" making new drugs??