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Curated by Karim Bouhajeb
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Rescooped by Karim Bouhajeb from LAB LUXURY and RETAIL ® : MARKETING & COMMUNICATION : Retail - Expérience Client - Luxe - Digital in Store - Future of Retail - Commerce Connecté - Omnicanal - Social Marketing - Influence - Réseaux Sociaux -Transformation Digitale!

Louis Vuitton ou l’Art de la Relation Client sur Twitter

Louis Vuitton ou l’Art de la Relation Client sur Twitter | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |

Via Jérôme MONANGE
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

S’inspirant des « Success Stories » et « Study Cases » de marques comme DELL, La poste, BNP, Voyages-Sncf, Toyota ou encore Burberry, la Maison Louis Vuitton s’est lancée à son tour dans la Gestion de Relation Client sur Twitter pour ses Clients anglophones. 

LA FABRIQUE DU RETAIL's curator insight, January 14, 2014 7:30 AM

Les réseaux sociaux comme Twitter et Facebook constituent une formidable opportunité d’optimisation de la relation client pour toutes les marques et en particulier pour les marques de luxe et certaines maisons comme Burberry ou Louis Vuitton l’ont bien compris.

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Four Seasons Toronto triggers month-long birthday celebration with biggest social contest - Luxury Daily - Multichannel

Four Seasons Toronto triggers month-long birthday celebration with biggest social contest - Luxury Daily - Multichannel | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

The #FSCelebrate campaign commemorates the reopening of the property last October and will involve a host of events for guests throughout this month. Although many of Four Seasons’ social media contests involve numerous areas and properties, they are generally triggered by an individual hotel’s gumption.

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[en partenariat avec Audi] Audi e-tron électrise Paris le temps d’une soirée hautement digitale

[en partenariat avec Audi] Audi e-tron électrise Paris le temps d’une soirée hautement digitale | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Pour le lancement de la technologie e-tron, Audi a « électrisé » la capitale le temps d’une soirée qui reposait sur une panoplie de technologies numériques.
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

Audi a su imaginer avec talent une expérience inédite alliant Technologie 3D, RFID, Storytelling et Social Media. Ce dernier point a d’ailleurs contribué à décupler la visibilité de l’évènement.

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Scooped by Karim Bouhajeb!

Aston Martin boosts exposure via Instagram account launch - Luxury Daily - Mobile

Aston Martin boosts exposure via Instagram account launch - Luxury Daily - Mobile | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

The brand has made the logical transition onto Instagram likely because users on other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter often overlook new updates. Although Instagram harbors less users than other platforms, the photo-sharing platform allows brands to resonate with fans specifically looking for compelling images.

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Scooped by Karim Bouhajeb!

Apparel brands should promote celebrity endorsements via Twitter for best results: report - Luxury Daily - Research

Apparel brands should promote celebrity endorsements via Twitter for best results: report - Luxury Daily - Research | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

Three-quarters of female social media users who are more likely to use brands or products associated with celebrities have Twitter profiles and are more likely to use Twitter over other platforms as a source of inspiration, according to a new report by NetBase.

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Top 10 luxury brand social marketers of H1 - Luxury Daily - Internet

Top 10 luxury brand social marketers of H1 - Luxury Daily - Internet | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

Luxury marketers used social media to create stronger bonds with consumers by allowing them to become a crucial part of the social campaigns during the first half of 2013.

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Scooped by Karim Bouhajeb!

Influencia - Media - La Revue INfluencia : le côté diabolique du luxe: Diabolus in luxuria

Influencia - Media - La Revue INfluencia : le côté diabolique du luxe: Diabolus in luxuria | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Le luxe dégage une aura sulfureuse, en ce qu'il est fait d'hédonisme, de rébellion et d'expressions d'imaginaires archaïques. Investigation de trois tendances obscures au pays dont Zombie Boy est le roi.
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

Incarne l’instant éternel par excellence, le luxe inspire le moment, clarifie et cristallise le plaisir. Il vivifie cette attente primordiale, déjoue la première de toutes les peurs. En cela le digital crée une nouvelle intensité. Tout comme les vanités, ces représentations classiques de crânes et de matières vivantes suggérant la mort, les réseaux sociaux incarnent l’éternel en figeant chaque instant, chaque moment, nous renvoyant ainsi à notre propre futilité et à notre propre mortalité. Twitter et facebook, avec leur accumulation de données et de futilités, sont des natures mortes.

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Scooped by Karim Bouhajeb!

98pc of luxury purchasers communicate via digital platforms: report - Luxury Daily - Research

98pc of luxury purchasers communicate via digital platforms: report - Luxury Daily - Research | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

98% of consumers who plan to buy luxury with a household income of at least $250,000 interact in Web-based ways, with 71% of this group using social media to communicate.

Out of those in this income range that do not plan to buy luxury, 51% engage on social media.

Also, 96% of ultra-affluent consumers – those who have a household income of at least $500,000 – plan to buy luxury engage in Web-based communication and 62% use social media to communicate.

The two most-often used platforms for all adults are Facebook and Twitter.

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Scooped by Karim Bouhajeb!

Burberry targets affluent male consumers with innovative suit design - Luxury Daily - Internet

Burberry targets affluent male consumers with innovative suit design - Luxury Daily - Internet | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

To increase consumer awareness for its new line of suits, Burberry has been using its Facebook and Twitter to generate a conversation with male fans.

A click-through on a link found on Burberry’s Facebook page brings consumers to the brand’s Web site where they are prompted to view an interactive version of the Travel Tailoring suit via video.

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Scooped by Karim Bouhajeb!

Promoted tweets garner 11.2M impressions during DKNY campaign - Luxury Daily - Mobile

Promoted tweets garner 11.2M impressions during DKNY campaign - Luxury Daily - Mobile | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

Donna Karan New York’s #DKNYARTWORKS campaign depended on promoted tweets that generated engagement levels higher than three percent and garnered 11.2 million impressions over a three-week span. 

Through this campaign, the brand was able to familiarize fans with its art-entwined origins, drive substantial online traffic and bring several luminaries to a prominent stage.

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Scooped by Karim Bouhajeb!

Barneys boosts presence during Fashion Week with branded hashtag - Luxury Daily - Internet

Barneys boosts presence during Fashion Week with branded hashtag - Luxury Daily - Internet | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

Retailer Barneys New York is making its presence known during New York Fashion Week by using a branded hashtag in its Twitter and Instagram posts.

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Rescooped by Karim Bouhajeb from Luxe et Digital - Luxury and Digital!

Les marques de luxe ont-elles vraiment peur du web social ?

Les marques de luxe ont-elles vraiment peur du web social ? | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Récemment, Markus Kramer, directeur marketing d’Aston Martin avouait lors d’une interview donnée à, que les marques de luxe sont encore novices sur le terrain du marketing, ce qui...

Via Raphaël Malka
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

Ce compte Twitter spécialisé dans les photographies Chanel est bien sûr non officiel et surement géré par un internaute fan de la marque qui publie plus d’une centaine de messages par jour. Un flux important qui lui permet de figurer parmi les 3 comptes les plus actifs sur les réseaux sociaux au sujet de Chanel dans le monde. Avec un pseudonyme équivoque, “Chanel Pics”, le compte parle au nom de la marque et a donc une vraie influence sur l’image et sur la réputation de cette dernière.

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Marketing de la mode, fashion marketing - Marketing Professionnel - Marketing professionnel – Le marketing pour les professionnels

Marketing de la mode, fashion marketing - Marketing Professionnel - Marketing professionnel – Le marketing pour les professionnels | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Afin que leur marque reste dans les esprits, les responsables marketing de l'industrie de la mode doivent faire preuve d’une ...
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

Une marque de luxe ou de mode qui n’interagit pas avec ses clients perd le potentiel de les fidéliser. En ce sens, posséder un blog et être présent sur les réseaux sociaux est devenu un facteur primordial dans la construction du branding de l’entreprise. Les marques les plus actives sont en communication permanente avec leurs clients et leurs internautes en gérant leur communauté via les réseaux sociaux, Facebook, Twitter, Google + et Pinterest, ou encore via leur éventuel blog. Proposer des contenus variés tels des vidéos, photos, concours ou autres permet d’interagir, d’inviter les internautes à l’échange et donc de se créer une e-réputation positive.

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Instagram registers consumer engagement 18 times that of Facebook: L2 Think Tank - Luxury Daily - Research

Instagram registers consumer engagement 18 times that of Facebook: L2 Think Tank - Luxury Daily - Research | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

Instagram is becoming a core platform for brands to engage with consumers since it registers consumer engagement 18 times that of Facebook and 48 times that of Twitter, according to the latest report from L2 Think Tank.

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Scooped by Karim Bouhajeb!

Facebook inspires style decisions for 56pc of fashion-driven women: report - Luxury Daily - Research

Facebook inspires style decisions for 56pc of fashion-driven women: report - Luxury Daily - Research | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

“The Buying Influence of Social Channels in Fashion” report found that Facebook along with blogs and message boards are the most influential channels for women making decisions on apparel, and that Twitter was not effective in helping make these decisions. Luxury brands should embrace these channels and look to engage in conversations with consumers to promote products and campaigns via social media.

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Scooped by Karim Bouhajeb!

Rolls-Royce keeps up momentum of Goodwood Festival via multichannel efforts - Luxury Daily - Events / Causes

Rolls-Royce keeps up momentum of Goodwood Festival via multichannel efforts - Luxury Daily - Events / Causes | Luxe 2.0 - Marketing digital - E-commerce |
Karim Bouhajeb's insight:

The British automaker chose to portray itself from angles ranging from ruthless speed to thoughtful charity to demonstrate to fans that it tries to engage them on different fronts. Rolls-Royce is continuing its efforts to maintain consumer interest through its social media.

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