▶️ � #Covid_19 #11mai  ▶️  les #entreprises doivent se préparer aux #risques de la #chaîne d'#approvisionnement | Gestion des Risques et Performance Globale des Entreprises | Scoop.it
The coronavirus pandemic has caused delays and other frustrations in businesses’ global supply chains, highlighting how vulnerable many are to unexpected disruption. Companies caught flat-footed should learn their lesson from this crisis and begin making fundamental changes now to prepare their supply chains for future shocks.

The current supply chain disruption is impacting consumer demand, labor, materials, and delivery—forcing businesses that rely on global sourcing to make tough choices. According to a recent PwC survey of finance leaders in the U.S. and Mexico, 31% indicated supply chain issues as one of their top three concerns related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Via EcoVadis