#Lockdowns: Essential to the Master Plan - Renee Parsons/Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization | Gestion des Risques et Performance Globale des Entreprises | Scoop.it
In early 2020, Neil Ferguson of the UK’s Imperial College used a scare tactic to predict that 80% of Americans would be infected and that there would be 2.2 million American deaths – neither of which materialized.   Yet Ferguson’s extremism accomplished its intended purpose in establishing the basis for draconian Lockdown requirements.  Ferguson later retracted his earlier prediction down to 20,000 fatalities.

With  current infection fatality rate at 0.20%, Lockdowns have been devoid of science and are based on arbitrary, contradictory and inconsistent requirements. Just a few examples come to mind such as liquor stores and big chains are considered ‘essential’ and remain open but stand-alone, independent, mom ‘n pops are not.  Barbers may be open but hair salons may not.  While it is advised to get tested for Covid 19, a colonoscopy or other elective surgery are not allowed.  While vitamins C and D and Sunshine strengthen the immune system, all outdoor sport programs have been canceled.

Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco