Amazing Story: Man Saves Wife's Sight by 3D Printing Her Tumor | GAFAMS, STARTUPS & INNOVATION IN HEALTHCARE by PHARMAGEEK |

Two highly motivated stakeholders (the patient and her husband) had access to the patient’s medical data and were able to enhance its value using new era tools (software and 3D printing) and bring it to the docs – clearer – so they could better apply their clinical skills. Specifically, the physicians who read the scans before had not seen the situation clearly. With the tumor printed, a better picture emerged. That is adding value in medicine.

Want to print your medical image? Ask your doctor for your DICOM files and download 3D Slicer ( Then use the Region Growing tool to segment the image. Extract a 3D mesh of the surface, save as an STL, and use ParaView ( to simplify it to a manageable number of triangles. To see more details, check out Make: volume 42, page 83, or visit projects/3d-print-your-medical-scan.

Full story is here:

Via Dr. Stefan Gruenwald, guillaume riottot