Grant awarded to develop artificial intelligence to improve stroke screening and treatment in smaller hospitals | GAFAMS, STARTUPS & INNOVATION IN HEALTHCARE by PHARMAGEEK |

New artificial intelligence technology that uses a common CT angiography (CTA), as opposed to the more advanced imaging normally required to help identify patients who could benefit from endovascular stroke therapy (EST), is being developed at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).


Two UTHealth researchers worked together to create a machine-learning artificial intelligence tool that could be used for assessing a stroke at every hospital that takes care of stroke patients - not just at large academic hospitals in major cities. 


Research to further develop and test the technology tool is funded through a five-year, $2.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 


"The vast majority of stroke patients don't show up at large hospitals, but in those smaller regional facilities. And most of the emphasis on screening techniques is only focused on the technologies used in those large academic centers. With this technology, we are looking to change that," said Sunil Sheth, MD, assistant professor of neurology at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth.


Sheth set out with Luca Giancardo, PhD, assistant professor with the Center for Precision Health at UTHealth School of Biomedical Informatics, to develop a quicker way to assess patients. The result was a novel deep neural network architecture that leverages brain symmetry. Using CTAs, which are more widely available, the system can determine the presence or absence of a large vessel occlusion and whether the amount of "at-risk" tissue is above or below the thresholds seen in those patients who benefitted from EST in the clinical trials.


"This is the first time a data set is being specifically collected aiming to address the lack of quality imaging available for stroke patients at smaller hospitals," Giancardo said.


read the complete press release with further details on the work at


Via nrip