Building a world of trust for e-commerce
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Building a world of trust for e-commerce
Consumers are expressing concerns about fake reviews on Internet and would like to shop on websites showing more transparency and trustworthiness. Scandals and fake reviews on websites have created a suspicious climate about the digital consumption model. The increasing number of web transactions worldwide and the new economic model based on web market places have generated the need to provide a safer environment for e-commerce.
Work in collaboration with WETHIC, French startup, aiming to build a world of trust for e-commerce (curation of English and French articles).
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Scooped by Vincent Bronner!

Ce que dit l'Article 24 de la Loi Numérique adoptée par le Parlement Français - Juillet 2016 (Avis Consommateurs)

L’Article 24 de la Loi Numérique porte sur les modalités de publication et de traitement des avis mis en ligne.


Inséré dans la section 3 (Loyauté des plateformes et information des consommateurs), l'Article 24 précise dorénavant dans la loi Française les obligations des acteurs du e-commerce qui sont tenus de protéger les droits des consommateurs en insistant sur la nécessaire clarté et la transparence de l’information diffusée sur les plateformes.


La République Numérique est en marche !

Vincent Bronner's insight:

Rappel : Lors d'une session extraordinaire en date du 20 juillet 2016, le projet de loi pour la République Numérique (dite "Loi Numérique" ou "Loi Lemaire") a été adopté après un processus collaboratif original de concertation avec les citoyens Français.


Pour la première fois en France, un projet de loi a été co-créé avec les internautes avant son envoi au conseil d’Etat et son adoption en Conseil des ministres.


Cette création participative de la loi a duré trois semaines fin 2015 et a permis à chacun de contribuer au texte législatif pour l’enrichir et le perfectionner. Ainsi, les participants ont pu émettre un avis sur les différents articles du texte et faire des propositions de modifications qui ont elles-mêmes été soumises à l’avis des internautes lors d’un vote ouvert. Chaque citoyen pouvait ainsi apporter sa contribution aux 3 titres du Projet de Loi Numérique :


Titre I : La circulation des données et du savoir

Titre II : La protection des droits dans la société numérique

Titre III : L’accès au numérique


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Sur Amazon, la neutralité des commentaires est encore remise en cause

Sur Amazon, la neutralité des commentaires est encore remise en cause | Building a world of trust for e-commerce |

Une étude portant sur 7 millions de commentaires publiés sur Amazon met en évidence les facteurs pouvant potentiellement affecter les notes déposées par les utilisateurs.


La pratique : Amazon dispose d'un programme de testeurs. Sélectionnés pour leurs commentaires constructifs, ces derniers reçoivent gratuitement (ou à prix remisés) les produits associés à des catégories de leurs choix afin de laisser leurs opinions.


Vincent Bronner's insight:

Cet article documenté au moyen d'une large étude met en évidence les effets peu connus des programmes de testeurs sur les avis rédigés ensuite pour le compte des marques et des sites de e-commerce.


Doit-on faire confiance à cette catégorie très particulière de "clients-testeurs" notamment utilisée par le géant Amazon ? Sont-ils vraiment objectifs dans leur notation et commentaires ?


Alors que nous sommes très majoritairement enclins à lire les avis consommateurs pour nous faire une idée sur la qualité et les prix des produits/services proposés sur les sites de vente en ligne, il est toujours intéressant de connaître les dessous de ces nouvelles pratiques commerciales.


Etude originale publiée par le site Reviewmeta (langue US):


In a nusthell: customers who receive free (or discounted item) are much more likely to write positive review


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Airbnb sues San Francisco over new rental legislation

Airbnb sues San Francisco over new rental legislation | Building a world of trust for e-commerce |

AirBnB is taking San Francisco to US District Court over rules the City recently approved.

According to the new rules, AirBnB must allow rental housing listings on its site only for hosts who have registered with the City. The problem with the City's new registration requirement, the company said, is that it provides fines and penalties on AirBnB.

Another issue of trust with the existing business model is the generation of unwelcome commercial operators converting affordable rental housing to illegal hotels while citizens have difficulties to find apartments. The traditional hospitality business is also impacted and the administration must recover taxes.

The new rules require AirBnB to only list rentals for hosts who are registered with San Francisco. That violates federal law, argues AirBnB. Note: within the last year, over 200 listings have been removed in SF according to the community marketplace AirBnB.

Restoring a trusted relationship is now needed. Why not relying on a third-party certification company to verify the host identity?

Make your own opinion.

Vincent Bronner's insight:

The disruptive AirBnB community marketplace has created tensions with lots of municipalities and fiscal administrations worldwide. Another escalation occured between AirBnB and San Francisco, the Company suing the City over the new rental rules.

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Giving a balanced picture - do's and dont's for online review sites, from UK Competition & Markets Authority (official publication)

Online reviews can play an important role in helping consumers make the right choices.

In order to maintain people’s trust, review sites should check and present reviews in a way that avoids distorting the overall picture presented to people that read them. If your business’s website allows people to review products or services – whether they are yours, or someone else’s – you should publish all genuine, relevant and lawful reviews. You should also make sure that your processes to collect, moderate and publish reviews don’t hinder this. Updated February 2016

Vincent Bronner's insight:

An interesting contribution from the UK CMA on the topic of online review sites - Also named "60 second summary" to get updated on the guidance and recommended practices. Should be applied by any e-commerce site and marketplace to build trust with customers.

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[Revue de presse] Les avis clients donnent-ils confiance en l'e-commerce ? - blog iAdvize

[Revue de presse] Les avis clients donnent-ils confiance en l'e-commerce ? - blog iAdvize | Building a world of trust for e-commerce |
Sur le web, la bataille pour avoir le plus d’avis de consommateurs fait rage. Tous les coups sont permis pour afficher les meilleurs scores. Une fois ces avis récoltés, de nombreuses enseignes et marques ne savent pas complètement se servir de cette masse d’informations. Surtout, les e-consommateurs ont parfois du mal à croire en ces avis, parfois trompeurs.... Lire la suite »
Vincent Bronner's insight:

85% des Français sont favorables à une législation sur les avis clients selon une étude Opinion Way (Janvier 2016).

Les marques qui sauront répondre aux attentes de leurs clients sur la certification des avis en ligne pour rétablir une relation de confiance auront tout compris dans cette nouvelle étape du e-commerce.

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Are fake online reviews crushing consumer confidence?

Are fake online reviews crushing consumer confidence? | Building a world of trust for e-commerce |
While a certain percentage of them are almost certainly suspect, customer-driven online ratings and reviews are just too powerful to simply ignore. But does anyone really trust them?
Vincent Bronner's insight:

Can we continue to use platforms and websites that are not taking serious measures to prevent fake reviews?

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France has just adopted a Digital Republic bill (July 2016) - Fundamentals explained in this curated article

Digital technologies and their uses are the driving force behind radical changes to our economy, redrawing the boundaries of public and private spheres and reshaping social interactions.


The repercussions of these changes are now all-encompassing and are mapping out tomorrow’s society.


Twenty-first century France must embrace digital technology, prepare for future developments, take up all the opportunities and shape a society that embodies the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity.


Key objectives are summarized in this article.


Vincent Bronner's insight:

For France, digital technology offers new possibilities for development, growth and sharing. Democracy and public debates were also at the center of the initiative launched by Emmanuel Macron, Minister of Economy and Finance, and Axelle Lemaire, Secretary of State to Digital Economy.


The new "Digital Republic bill" adopted in May 2016 was the first time ever interactive online consultation organized by a French government for a legislation process. Indeed, before submitting the Digital Republic bill to the Conseil d’Etat (French Supreme Administrative Court), everyone had the chance to provide their input on the legislation during the consultation held in 2015.


A. Contributors were able to comment on the text’s articles and suggest amendments which were, in turn, open to remarks from other Internet users building a space for online democracy.


B. Once studied, some of the proposals might have made their way into the Digital Republic bill making this initiative interactive.


C. The government also officially replied to those suggestions which were the most popular amongst Internet users after voting online.


A truly innovative experience!


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How Marketers Can Gain the Trust of Tech-Savvy Consumers

How Marketers Can Gain the Trust of Tech-Savvy Consumers | Building a world of trust for e-commerce |

Today's tech-savvy consumers want brand relationships built on trust, not sales tactics. Brands can build trust and more customer engagement (=value) in a technology-driven world. How to boost consumer trust with 4 tips:

1. Tell Your Whole Story

2. Cultivate a Relationship With Your Consumers

3. Provide Context Around Each Communication

4. Reduce Friction With Visits to Your Site

Vincent Bronner's insight:

4 tips to build trust with e-consumers explained in this article

In a nutshell, marketers should not be worried about transparency and open communication on websites; promoting those values is creating a trusted relationship between brands and consumers.


When are brands and marketers going to apply these values to consumer online reviews?

Let's discuss that: do you think it is better for a brand to hide negative reviews on a product/customer experience or to engage with those customers in a transparent communication trying to understand and eventually respond?

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Online reviews - letting your customers see the true picture, from UK Competition & Markets Authority (official publication)

Online reviews - advice for businesses

In 2016, the CMA took action against an online marketing company that posted fake reviews on behalf of its clients.

The company wrote fake reviews on behalf of small businesses from a wide variety of sectors and posted them on different websites. Online reviews play an important role in helping potential customers decide whether to buy a product or service. Writing or commissioning fake reviews could lead to civil or criminal action. Once discovered, it can also damage the image of the brand and erode customers’ trust in reviews and review sites.

Updated march 2016

Vincent Bronner's insight:

An interesting contribution from the UK CMA on the topic of online reviews - Also named "60 second summary" to get updated on the guidance and recommended practices. Should be applied by any e-commerce site and marketplace to build trust with customers.

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Online endorsements - being open and honest with your audience, from UK Competition & Markets Authority (official publication)

Websites that publish reviews should make sure that they provide the full picture to consumers and comply with the law.

Businesses, media agencies or individuals that publish opinions online should make sure that content which has been paid for is clearly identifiable. Otherwise the business, media agency and the person publishing the content might break the law.

This summary explains what review sites, businesses, media agencies and those publishing opinions online should do to make sure they comply with consumer protection law.

Updated April 2016

Vincent Bronner's insight:

An interesting contribution from the UK CMA on the topic of online endorsements - Also named "60 second summary" to get updated on the guidance and recommended practices. Should be applied by any e-commerce site and marketplace to build trust with customers.

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Twitter campaign takes aim at fake restaurant reviews on TripAdvisor

Twitter campaign takes aim at fake restaurant reviews on TripAdvisor | Building a world of trust for e-commerce |
Restaurateurs and food critics back #noreceiptnoreview campaign to deter fraudulent posts
Vincent Bronner's insight:

After years of manipulation and unclear practices about on-line reviews, consumers want to be really well-informed and use platforms showing full transparency and trustworthiness.

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