How To Measure Your Personal Branding Success On LinkedIn - MarketingThink | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | BEST OF PHARMAGEEK |
Here are five ways to measure the success of your personal branding strategy on LInkedIn.


-- >  Get Your LinkedIn Profile to Show Up On Search More. The more times that your LinkedIn profile show up in search; the chances that you will be found are increased!  Keeping your profile’s headline, summary, and job experience current and refreshed with relevant key words will increase the amount of times that you will show up in search. 

-- >  Increase The Potential Reach Of Your Personal Brand And LinkedIn Profile. More daily updates and LinkedIn Group updates will increase your potential brand impressions. When you send out a LinkedIn update more than your followers see you message.

-- >  Increase The Amount Of Times Your LinkedIn Profile Is Viewed And Considered. Many things affect profile views, ranging from who you just met at a conference to the quality of content that you distribute on LinkedIn. When your weekly profile views increase on an ongoing basis, then you know you are likely doing something right on LinkedIn.

-- >  Increase The Amount Of Expertise LinkedIn Endorsements That You Receive. When your network sees regular updates with great content, then you are likely to come to mind when they have the chance to give you a Skills and Expertise endorsement. Skills & Expertise endorsements are a key driver that impacts your search results, ranking your higher based on the amount of endorsements that you maintain.

-- >  Increase The Amount Of LinkedIn Invites You Receive. Your inside-LinkedIn activity and your outside-LinkedIn activity, such as thought-leader blogging, speaking or networking, should lead to an increased amount of people who want to connect with you on LinkedIn.



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Via Marteq