Top 100 B2B Advertisers Spending Trends, by Medium - Marketing Charts | B2B OP TBS |

Ad spending by the 100 largest B2B advertisers grew by 3.4% year-over-year in 2013 to an estimated $4.9 billion, according to Ad Age DataCenter’s analysis of Kantar Media measured media spending data. Broadcast and cable TV combined to account for a leading 56% of that spending, up by 3% from 2012. Not surprisingly, spending on internet display ads grew most quickly, by 25.3%. The only other medium to see an increase among the top 100 was outdoor (+2.4%), with magazine spending relatively flat (-0.3%), newspaper spend down by 9.4% and radio spend declining by 13.7%. Meanwhile, spending by B2B advertisers outside the top 100 dipped by 0.5% to $10.2 billion.



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Via Marteq