Bridging the Chasm Between CMOs and CIOs in Digital Marketing - Profs | #TheMarketingTechAlert | B2B OP TBS |

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So how can you bridge the chasm between CMOs and CIOs?

Much of why CMOs and CIOs haven't collaborated effectively can be traced to poor communication. Neither role has done a very good job of grasping the needs and challenges of the other. However, by getting better at articulating needs, developing a level of empathy, and working to understand the larger needs of the business, CMOs and CIOs can start developing a valuable and strategic partnership.


CMOs can do a few things to address these issues and foster closer relationships with their CIOs. For starters, CMOs must expand their understanding of the organization's technology stack, a critical step toward developing digital marketing strategies that employs a company's existing IT investments. CMOs also must get more familiar with the changing needs of the business, such as how the rapidly evolving consumer landscape affects every functional area of their business.


Perhaps most important, however, CMOs must do a better job of looping CIOs into their technology purchase decisions.


Meanwhile, CIOs must also do their part to bridge the gap, starting with developing a better understanding of the fast-changing marketing landscape through which CMOs are navigating.


Additionally, CIOs can build trust with CMOs—who have traditionally looked upon IT as a slow-moving service bureau rather than a partner—by offering their input in vendor evaluation and selection without insisting on final approval of those selections.



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Via Joemktg